Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

Friday, April 15, 2016

Re-basing Project: BIG Units! :()

After playing some really awesome battles with General de Brigade - GdB, I have really taken a strong liking to these rules. I am not sure if it is the scale of play - tactical/divisional, or just the flavor is has for the Napoleonic wars. All I know is it really is both entertaining and educational! When I say "educational" I should probably say that it is more of a boon to the learning experience rather than something that "educates", although it does do that for me in many respects. This is a huge plus for me as I love to learn about the period. It has inspired me to want to learn more about this fascinating period of military history. But anyway, before I bore you about my passion for these rules, I should move on to something else.

The French brigade advances!

Yes, you heard me. I have recently begun re-basing my infantry! Oh the dread! Ahhh... it's not too bad actually. All I am really doing is adding a third rank to my infantry bases to allow a more realistic and eye-catching look to them. This has always been something of a bugger with me: not representing all the ranks in our little battalions. Two is fine really, but still! So, here I am, re-basing my troops. Frontages remain the same, although since I am such a great fan of the GdB system, I am putting my Russian infantry on slightly wider bases - 40mm wide as opposed to the 30mm wide for all my other troops. Russian companies were a bit larger than the French, so wider frontage it is. I like the look too! I will say however, with all this re-basing, my number of units has decreased big time! Before I could field a battalion with about 45-60 10mm figures. With the new basing, I am representing these same units with 85 - 90! Wow! However, have a look at some of the pictures. Just amazing if you ask me. What do you think? Is it worth the effort?

A French brigade deployed. The three battalions are at a 1:5-8 model to man ratio, in three rank companies.

The battalion on the far left in column has all six companies present. The other two have both detached their
light companies; one also has no grenadier company.

Two battalions of the St. Petersburg regiment. I still have to re-paint some of the pom-poms to the appropriate
company colors. These are company sized bases. Note that the Grenadier base is actually only a platoon
in strength. The lights are also not present yet - which are also only a platoon in strength.

Another look at the Russians.

All my other troops - artillery and cavalry have no need of re-basing. So they will remain as they are for the time being.

A French battery of 8lb guns - no howitzer section. A full unit as I will use them in GdB.

Another look at the battery deployed.

As for being able to use these newly based troops with other rules, I can say that it is no big deal. In fact, with other tactical games such as Black Powder, it has no effect at all really. Rules such as Blucher, Lasalle, etc., that call for a universal base size are really no issue either. In fact, I think the bases width differences between the Russian and French infantry only adds to the realism, in my opinion. I am sure some may disagree. No matter. I could always use trays if need be.

Anyway, that is my post for the week. Till next time...


Sunday, April 3, 2016

GdB and the Napoleonic Experience: UPDATE!

Been playing quite a bit of General de Brigade. I must admit I am quite taken by these rules. They have a lot of elements I really enjoy about Napoleonic wargaming. They really take you on to the battlefield with their rich flavor and detail without bogging you down with useless rules which add little to the overall feel. With that said, I can safely say that GdB will be my rules of choice for Napoleonic wargaming. That being said however, I do plan to continue with Blucher as my rules of choice for playing larger actions on a grand scale. There are also some other rules I am not remiss to playing again for a change of pace - March Attack stands out. But all in all, I really do enjoy the level of game play that GdB represents. Truly a fun and informative set of rules to experience. So, with all that said, expect to see more content here on the Shako & Bayonet for GdB :)

In other news, I had a wonderful time hosting sessions 1-3 of the Tabletop Commanders MEGA 24-hour Paint & Chat over the weekend. What an experience that was! Although I was exhausted after the first 20 hours, I did have a blast and managed to get a bunch of things done. For one, I got a start on my encampment, basing and painting up five plastic tents which are actually HO scale! This works out for me even though I collect mainly 10mm for my Napoleonics. If you do a little research you will find many different styles and sizes of tents used by the various armies of the 18-19th c. Have a look at the pics here and see what you think.

Russians and French go at it over some Stone walls and tents!!!

A company of French line marches about camp. HO scale plastic tents - originally made by Atlantic.
Mounted on thin card and flocked.

Also completed were some stone walls I found in my attic I made way back in the 80s! I remember that all I did to make these was to crush - in a vice - some large stones from my driveway. I used superglue to put them together back then so they are like concrete! All I did was re-base them and give them a little dry-brushing. Turned out pretty good actually. I remember I scaled them for 15mm but I could tell right away I could still use them with my 10mm. So I am happy with them. Besides, I also want to stary collecting 15mm as well, so useful no matter how you look at it.

Stone wall sections. I mounted them on thin balsa wood bases, decorated with flock.

Well, that's about it for this post. Not a big update, but progress. I hope to get some more games of GdB and Blucher in soon and hope to post more AARs as well. Oh, and of course, work on my encampment will continue - going to be scratch-building the remaining tents!

Stay tuned my friends...
